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AMAL represents a Decentralized Humanitarian Smart Secure Token that belongs to the Community.

AMAL relies on a highly transparent donation system that sponsors orphans around the world.

AMAL is paired with USDC for stability and utilizes a combination of burn and rewards technologies that maximize investors' interests.

AMAL strives to be the most important humanitarian token in the world with the support of its community.


The number of orphans in the world during the time the token was established was about 147 million, and thousands of children continue to lose their parents daily. There are hundreds of thousands of children in desperate need of security, food, education, emotional support, and housing.

AMAL contributes to sponsoring and supporting orphans through the cooperation with the associations and organizations that are involved with helping the children in need.

When you buy or sell AMAL, you are simultaneously donating to help orphans and support them to meet their needs and fulfil their dreams.

Thanks to your support of AMAL, children can rely on the assistance they need. Your support is bringing about genuine and enduring change for children worldwide when it is most needed.

Imagine a child who was once surrounded by loving parents, providing them with food, shelter, clothes, and toys. Now, they stand alone, often forced to leave school to support themselves, facing the harsh realities of sickness, malnutrition, exploitation, and abuse. The AMAL community has the power to break this cycle.

When children find out they've been sponsored, the joy they feel is indescribable. Just knowing that someone across the globe cares means more than you can imagine. Sponsoring an orphan in poverty will profoundly change the future of our children.

Orphans who were given hope by you


AMAL is among the first cryptocurrencies linked to a stablecoin with several unique technologies


AMAL holders will receive rewards in the form of USDC from all effective buying and selling transactions post owning the Token. 


A percentage of the buying and selling transactions are automatically burned, which reduces the total number of tokens increasing their value.


A percentage of the buying and selling transactions will go to a wallet that is designated for repurchasing the AMAL token and burning it when the price drops significantly.


AMAL is built using technology that avoids whales. This is done to limit attempts of possible alterations to the price to their favor or forcefully overthrow the price.


We believe that feeling safe is one of the most important foundations of investment

Owning the cryptocurrency

Buying cryptocurrencies on centralized exchange does not mean that you own them, but rather it means that you can trade them while they are with the owner wallet. If this exchange experiences any problems, this could put your investment at risk. On the other hand, placing the cryptocurrency in your wallet means that you own it, and no one may have access to it, as it is the safest way to keep encrypted digital assets.

Lock the liquidity pool

AMAL's liquidity has been locked for the longest possible period (200 years), which provides a crucial guarantee for the token on decentralized platforms.  It is important to avoid purchasing any cryptocurrency whose liquidity is not fully locked, or its liquidity was locked for a short period of time. Not locking the token liquidity gives the token team the ability to withdraw the funds of all buyers with the click of a button, and many fraudulent operations have been carried out in this way.

KYC certificate 

AMAL is proud to attain the KYC certificate, which was achieved through the authentication of personal data of the AMAL team by SYBERSCOPE. In case of rug-pulling, honeypot or scam acts SYBERSCOPE will reveal their identities.

Final smart contract audit

For maximum security, thirty days after AMAL was released for trading, we conducted a final audit of the smart contract before renouncing it ownership by one of the most important auditing companies in the world.

Renounce the smart contract ownership

After being created by us, AMAL is now owned by its community since we have renounced ownership of the smart contract. We cannot interfere with the management of AMAL on the decentralized platform or modify the smart contract's codes and algorithms. Everything has become fixed, secure, stable, and internal.

Achieving a High Level of Security 

Several websites specialize in exposing the risk factors and methods of manipulation and deceit in cryptocurrencies. One of AMAL's most important attributes is its ability to achieve a high level of security.


We believe that transparency is the key to success and the foundation of excellence

Avoid starting on centralized exchange (CEX)

Did you know that launching cryptocurrency on central exchange platforms means that the crypto team is directly selling it to the buyer in exchange for their money. This makes the team and those around them exaggerated winners, while the rest of the investors are left with an increased probability of risk and loss. It should be noted that on the day the currency is offered for trading by the team on the central exchange, the selling price would have been previously determined by them. After that, a huge portion of funds from the purchases are in the ownership of the team, and when there is a lack of sufficient demands or an exaggerated amount of sales for the cryptocurrency, a steep decline will be noticed. This is caused by the lack of a real liquidity pool that supports the stability of the price.

Preventing token reissuance

The smart contract may contain a feature that allows the reissuing of the token through a technology known as “Mint”. This feature permits manipulation as it allows the currency team to create the crypto for free and in an unlimited number, and then selling them and withdrawing buyers’ money from the liquidity pool. This increases the maximum supply of the crypto, and would harm the interests of investors.

It is important to know that the Smart Contract under which AMAL was created, does not provide the possibility of reissuing it, and AMAL Total Supply is only subject to decrease through direct burning and buy-and-burn technology.

Not allocating any token to the founding team

You will notice that in most tokens the founding team holds a large percentage of it. It is important to know that in this case, the team's deducted token can be exchanged for the buyers' money, and this would give the team a large amount of money for free at the expense of real investores, as well as lower the price of the token.

Deposit the maximum supply of the token into the liquidity pool

It may be noticed that in many cryptocurrencies, a large percentage of the currency stock (total supply) is transferred to digital wallets that are managed by the team under the pretext of marketing, rewards, or developing the currency and other justifications

While for AMAL, the (total supply) is the same as the number available for trading on the decentralized platform (circulating supply).

The token project is clear and auditable

The donation wallet can be audited by everyone, and the money received into the wallet can always be compared to the amount of money that was donated.

Please click to review the process of collecting and disbursing donations

Avoid presale and private sales

No presale or private sales have been conducted in which a certain group is distinguished from the rest of the buyers by obtaining a lower price. Rather, all investors are equal with AMAL.

AMAL is a token that can be owned fairly by everyone (Fair Launch) from the moment it is put into circulation everyone is presented with equal chance to buy it.

Avoid distributing free token for marketing purposes

Airdrop was avoided as we do not intend to distribute worthless tokens to specific people at the expense of other buyers, nor does AMAL rely on a policy of distributing free tokens in competitions or any similar situations.

Consistency and clarity of the deducted commission

The commission deducted from buying and selling operations is clearly stated in order to achieve the goals of the humanitarian token project and preserve the interest of investors. This commission is not subject to change according to the rules of the smart contract.

Avoid showing an unreal trading volume

Many crypto currencies carry out large buying and selling operations to fool buyers of the importance of the currency by transferring it between crypto wallets to create high fake liquidity. There are robots designated for this purpose and companies specialized in this matter, also the central platforms provide this service, while this is not possible for AMAL due to its presence on a decentralized platform and the presence of a commission on purchases and sales.

However, sometimes we purchase a certain amount and use it for a good cause, like a candle that burns to light up others. We carry out buying and selling operations in the same wallet to provide support to AMAL operations such as burning, rewards, and donations.

Publish awareness articles to uncover means of manipulation and exploitation in cryptocurrencies

Through many of the articles available on our website, we seek to spread awareness of the crytocurrency world, especially that related to detecting means of fraud, deception and manipulation, because we believe that the greater the investor’s knowledge, the greater the credibility of AMAL.


Upcoming Projects


We will be creating a decentralized program that will use the Binance Smart Chain to interact with the PancakeSwap platform. This program will enable digital wallets to buy AMAL directly from our website. Additionally, it will also allow the option to purchase using a bank card.

This program simplifies many procedures, as we no longer need to worry about verifying our presence in the Binance network, copying and pasting the AMAL address, or adjusting the slippage ratio. By simply connecting our wallet, we can complete transactions with ease. This program is a true innovation and symbolizes our commitment to progress and improvement.


t is an automated system integrated into the Telegram application that will share the results of AMAL procedures directly, by providing information related to the price, direct burn, buy and burn, donations, rewards, total supply, and the number of holders. Additionally, it will share data on reward distribution operations, purchase transactions, and burning operations shortly after they occur.

Listed Exchange

AMAL Smart Contract Auditing & KYC Verification



Organizations that received our donations

Expected questions

AMAL is a charitable cryptocurrency, with its primary goal being supporting and donating to organizations concerned with sponsoring orphans.

In the cryptocurrency world, what must be analyzed is the smart contract and the rules associated with it, regardless of the cryptocurrency founders. Therefore, we suggest that you do not trust any cryptocurrencies, whether you know the team members or not unless you have examined and compared them with the various matters described in our articles.

In the cryptocurrency world, what must be analyzed is the smart contract and the rules associated with it, regardless of the founders of the cryptocurrency. Therefore, we suggest that you do not to trust any cryptocurrencies, whether you know its team members or not, unless you have examined and compared it with the various matters described in our articles.

AMAL will be available on a centralized exchange once a strong community for the token is established and when its price reaches around $0.01, as it will be stable at this point.

Yes, we may buy the token from time to time as members of society, but we will only be able to purchase it at an equal level with all the other buyers and without any advantages.

All photos have been previously published on websites dedicated to sponsoring orphans, and belong to real orphans.

Kindly visit the other pages on our website, as a set of expected questions and answers are provided at the bottom of each page. If you are still unable to find the answer to your question, please look into the news and articles page which is dedicated to assisting you with that, as many important questions have been answered on it. If you do not find the answer you were looking for, do not hesitate to contact us via email with any questions you would like to ask.

Please click on the email icon at the bottom of the page.